Get In The Zone Britney Get In The Zone Britney: Britney ao falar dos paparazzis

Get In The Zone Britney

Blog dedicado a cantora Britney Spears.

domingo, junho 18, 2006

Britney ao falar dos paparazzis

Lauer: What do you think It’ll take to get the paparazzi to leave you alone?

Spears: I don’t know. I don’t know.

Lauer: Is that one of your biggest wishes?

Spears: Yeah. (crying)... It’s okay. I would like for them to leave me alone.

Lauer: If you could to them as individuals, not as a group, what would you say to them?

Spears: I would just say that “You have babies at home. And you have a life. And if you don’t, you have to realize that we’re people and that we just need privacy and we need our respect. And those are things that you have to have as a human being.” And yeah... yeah.

Lauer: And yet as upset as it makes you, you wouldn’t trade your life now, it seems.

Spears: I have…

Lauer: It seems strange for some people to understand. If they’re making you this miserable, how can you still say, “But I’m lucky”?

Spears: Because I have to believe that I’m here for a reason.

Lauer: What’s the reason?

Spears: I don’t know. I keep searching every day, just like you do. But I’m so blessed with my baby. That’s the happiest thing that’s ever—it’s like a miracle. You know, but I just want the most normal life possible for him, that’s all.

Lauer: Is that possible?

Spears: I will manage. I will create that.


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